赵琦,1981年4月出生,博士,教授,硕士生导师,成都大学“川藏特色药用植物资源开发利用四川省高校工程研究中心”负责人。四川省杰出青年科技人才,四川省学术技术带头人后备人选,成都市龙泉驿区科协副会长,四川省植物学会理事,成都大学“1315”人才工程青年骨干教师,主持国家自然科学基金、四川省杰出青年科技人才项目、科技支撑项目等省部级以上课题10余项。以第一或通讯作者在Journal Of Hematology & Oncology、Journal of Ethnopharmacology、BMC Plant Biology、GCB Bioenergy、《中草药》、《分子植物育种》等国内外知名学术期刊发表论文40余篇。在科学出版社出版专著1部。授权发明专利3项。培养研究生20余名。
1. Jian Li#, Wenwen Li#, Kejiang Huang, Yang Zhang, Gary Kupfer, Qi Zhao*. Chimeric antigen receptor T cell (CAR-T) immunotherapy for solid tumors: lessons learned and strategies for moving forward. Journal of Hematology & Oncology, 2018,11(1):22. (IF=17.39)
2. Qi Zhao#, Rui Li, Yingying Gao, Xiaoqiang Guo, Wenguo Wang* Modeling impacts of climate change on the geographic distribution of medicinal plant Fritillaria cirrhosa D. Don. Plant Biosystems, 2018, 152(3), 349-355. (IF=2.83)
3. Qi Zhao#, Rui Li#, Yang Zhang, Kejia Huang, Wenguo Wang*, Jian Li* Transcriptome analysis reveals in vitro-cultured regeneration bulbs as a promising source for targeted Fritillaria cirrhosa steroidal alkaloid biosynthesis. 3 Biotech, 2018,8(4),191. (IF=2.41)
4. Yu Deng#*, Fulun Li#, Pinglin He, Yafei Yang, Jin Yang, Yamei Zhang Junying Liu, Yongping Tong, Qingfeng Li, Xian Mei, Zengyi Shu, Qi Zhao*. Triptolide sensitizes breast cancer cells to Doxorubicin through the DNA damage response inhibition. Molecular Carcinogenesis,2018,57(6):807-814. (IF=4.78)
5. WangWenguo#, Li Rui, Wang Hong, Qi Bufan, Jiang Xiaomei, Zhu Qili, Cai Denggao, Tang Xiaoyu, Zhao Qi*. Sweetcane (erianthus arundinaceus) as a native bioenergy crop with environmental remediation potential in southern china: a review. GCB Bioenergy,2019,11(9),1012-1025. (IF=4.75)
6. Rui Li, Yang Zhang, Yucheng Wang, Kejia Huang, Qianye Yang, Tiantian Zhang, Kun Xie, Jian Li, Qi Zhao*; Aqueous extract of Fritillariae cirrhosae induces cellular apoptosis through activation of STATs-mediated immunomodulation, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2020, 261. (IF=4.36)
7. Yixi Yang, Yujin Zhang, Xun Chen, Zhou Su, Yu Deng, Qi Zhao*; Khasianine ameliorates psoriasis-like skin inflammation and represses TNF-α/NF-κB axis mediated transactivation of IL-17A and IL-33 in keratinocytes, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2022, 292:115124. (IF=5.4)
8. Qiuxia Lu, Jiaqing Liao, Yuqin Hu, Yundong Gao, Mingcheng Wang, Jian Li, Qi Zhao*; Integrative analysis of the steroidal alkaloids distribution and biosynthesis of bulbs Fritillariae Cirrhosae through metabolome and transcriptome analyses, BMC Genomics, 2022, 23: 511. (IF=4.4)
9. Yixi Yang, Bowen Zhang, Ying Baom Peng Huang, Jian Li, Rui Li, Qi Zhao*; Chromosome-level genome assembly of Herpetospermum pedunculsum (Cucurbitaceae), Genome Biology and Evolution, 2023, 15(2): evad005. (IF=4.065)
10. Ya Zhong, Bowen Zhang, Jintao Li, Xin Zeng, Junxia Pei, Yamei Zhang, Yixi Yang, Fulun Li, Yu Deng, Qi Zhao*; Ethanol Extract of Herpetospermum caudigerum Wall ameliorates psoriasis-like skin inflammation and promotes degration of keratinocyte-derived ICAM-1 and CXCL9, Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2023, 305: 116069. (IF=3.951)