1. 传统中式高盐稀态酱油露晒发酵过程生物胺形成规律及控制研究,四川省重点研发项目(2022YFS0514) 主持
2. 黑蒜中类黑精的富集与高益生活性产品的研究与开发,四川省重点研发项目( 2022YFSY0030) 子课题主持
3. 特色食疗农产品标准法规信息收集与整理,农业农村部食物与营养发展研究所 主持
4. 辛烯基琥珀酸魔芋葡甘聚糖酯的自组装行为及控释机制研究,国家自然科学基金( 31601427) 主持
5. 特色优质水果采后品质劣变控制及安全保鲜关键技术创新与集成(关键技术攻关),四川省重点研发项目(2019YFN0174) 子课题主持
在Food Hydrocolloids,Carbohydrate Polymers,Food Chemistry等重要学术刊物上发表学术论文40余篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者30余篇(SCI收录17篇,EI收录3篇)。近5年代表性论文如下:
[1] Yan Luo#, Yun-Cheng Li , Fan-Bing Meng*, et al. Simultaneously enhanced stability and biological activities of chlorogenic acid by covalent grafting with soluble oat β-glucan. Food Chemistry: X, 2023, 17: 100546. (一区Top期刊,IF= 6.443)
[2] Meng Wang, Yun-Cheng Li , Fan-Bing Meng*, et al. Effect of honeysuckle leaf extract on the properties and bioactivities of carboxymethyl konjac glucomannan/konjac glucomannan/gelatin composite edible film.2023. (一区Top期刊,已接收)
[3] li Zhou, Yun-Cheng Li , Fan-Bing Meng*, et al. Study on the effect of different peach gum additions on the quality of 3D printing gelatin-based candy. 2023. ( 一区Top期刊,已接收)
[4] Yun-Cheng Li, Yan Luo, Fan-Bing Meng*, et al. Preparation and characterization of feruloylated oat β-glucan with antioxidant activity and colon-targeted delivery. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2022, 279: 119002. (一区Top期刊,IF= 10.723)
[5] Fan-Bing Meng, Li Zhou, Jia-Jia Li, Yun-Cheng Li*, et al. The combined effect of protein hydrolysis and Lactobacillus plantarum fermentation on antioxidant activity and metabolomic profiles of quinoa beverage. Food Research International, 2022, 157: 111416. (一区Top期刊,IF= 7.425)
[6] Fan-Bing Meng, Yu-Ting Lei, Qing-Zhou Li, et al. Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation on antioxidant activity and metabolomic profiles of loquat juice. LWT, 2022, 171, 114104. (一区Top期刊,IF= 6.056)
[7] Yun-Cheng Li, Wen Du, Fan-Bing Meng*, et al. Tartary buckwheat protein hydrolysates enhance the salt tolerance of the soy sauce fermentation yeast Zygosaccharomyces rouxii. Food Chemistry, 2021, 342: 128382. (一区Top期刊,IF= 9.231)
[8] Fan-Bing Meng, Jia-Jia Li, Qian Zhang, Yun-Cheng Li, et al. Complex wall materials of polysaccharide and protein effectively protected numb-taste substance degradation of Zanthoxylum bungeanum. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2021, 101: 4605–4612. (二区Top期刊,IF= 4.125)
[9] Yun-Cheng Li, Shu-Yan Liu, Fan-Bing Meng*, et al. Comparative review and the recent progress in detection technologies of meat product adulteration. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 2020, 19:2256–2296. (一区Top期刊,IF= 15.786)
[10] Fan-Bing Meng, Qian Zhang, Yun-Cheng Li, et al. Konjac glucomannan octenyl succinate as a novel encapsulation wall material to improve curcumin stability and bioavailability, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 238: 116193. (一区Top期刊,IF=10.723)
[11] Meng Fan-Bing, Li Yun-Cheng, Liu Da-Yu, et al. The characteristics of konjac glucomannan octenyl succinate (KGOS) prepared with different substitution rates. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018, 181: 1078–1085. (一区Top期刊,IF=10.723)
[12] Geng Zhong, Fan-Bing Meng*, Yun-Cheng Li, et al. Structure and rheological characterization of konjac glucomannan octenyl succinate (KGOS). Food Hydrocolloids, 2018, 77: 386-396. (一区Top期刊,IF= 11.504)
申报国家发明专利5项(授权2项),鉴定省级科技成果2项。Carbohydrate Polymers、International Journal of Biological Macromolecules等杂志审稿人。